Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wearing first creation: thimbles

I completed a fabulous sewing course ages ago. The teacher was brilliant, knowledgeable, interested in what you wanted to do, very practical, pragmatic with an eye for detail that is totally unrivalled. I made one skirt at the course with high hopes and plans for many others. I haven't really done anything since.

When I tried to work out why I wasn't sewing up a storm I was finally able to
admit that it is because I'm worried that the things that I make won't be amazing. In fact they will be rubbish.

Now I can actually voice this fear, and name it. I've decided to call it Kevin, with apologies to Judy Horacek. I've come up with a plan.

First off I wore the first skirt for the first time this week. In public and everything. No one commented. Could have been worse. Second I've spoken to a mate who also wants to get better at sewing and we are going to tackle our next projects together. Safety in numbers, two heads better than one and other such cliches. In any case means that it might be more of a laugh and might actually have a go. Will let you know how we get on.

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