Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Perforated Ear drum

Poor Mister Kit, he's had at least three colds and the last one resulted in a perforated ear drum. He was in so much pain he screamed all night. A very harrowing experience. It was quite a relief to hear that the pressure had built up and had burst his ear drum. This meant that he had returned to the happy smily baby that we had come to know and adore. However a second trip to the GP had me spinning a bit. The drum had healed but there was an infection behind it and so he has a bilateral glue ear. Our Dr doesn't think he will be able to hear much and we've to go back in three weeks. If the infection hasn't cleared then we will talk about a "plan B". A sharp contrast to Tilly, who didn't catch anything that floored her until after her first birthday.

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